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Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes sudden recurrent episodes of seizures, loss of consciousness, sensations, or convulsions. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. 

These are associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain. It is basically a symptom that tells you that you have a problem with your brain.

Medication is the first line of treatment to control seizures if you suffer from epilepsy.
There are more than 20 different types of anti-seizure medications available. The medication that your doctor chooses to treat your epilepsy depends on the type of seizures you have, as well as other factors such as your age and other health conditions.
Your doctor will consider your frequency of seizures, condition, your age and other factors when choosing which medication to prescribe.
Finding the right epilepsy medication and dosage can be complex.
You may have to take medicines for life to control seizures. A few people however, eventually grow out of seizures, and similarly, a few kids do outgrow the condition too.
Most people with epilepsy get over their seizures by taking just one anti-seizure medication, others may need a combination of medicines to reduce the frequency and intensity of their seizures.
He or she will start you on a single medication at a relatively low dosage and may increase the dosage gradually until your seizures are controlled.
Epileptic medicines, like most drugs, have side effects.
Their mild side effects include:

Weight gain
Loss of bone density
Loss of coordination
Skin rashes
Speech problems
Memory and loss of cognitive function
The severe side effects of these drugs are:
Suicidal thoughts
Severe rash
Inflammation of liver

When medications fail to control seizures, surgery is usually the only option left. What happens here is that the neurosurgeon removes the specific area of your brain that's causing the seizures.
These are some of the factors that decide that surgery will help you :
If your seizures originate in a small, well-defined area of your brain
The area in your brain that causes seizures doesn't interfere with vital functions such as movement, speech, vision or hearing
Even after a successful surgery, you may need some medication to help prevent seizures, but you may need fewer drugs and at truncated dosage.
We have the best neurosurgeons who are experienced, have high success rates, and complication rates with the surgery for your epilepsy.
Yes, several randomized trials have established DBS as an effective treatment for epilleptic seizures that are not controlled by medication.
Based on a trial in 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently granted approval for DBS therapy for epilepsy.
They have allowed DBS as an adjunctive therapy for reducing the frequency of seizures in individuals 18 years of age or older diagnosed with epilepsy.

The Parkinson’s Group improves life for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease by improving care and advancing research towards a cure. In all that we do, we expand on energy, experience and passion of our worldwide Parkinson’s group.

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