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Chorea is a hypokinetic movement disorder which is characterised by irregular, unpredictable, brief, jerky movements that flow randomly affecting various body parts and interfere with speech, swallowing, posture, and gait.

Chorea is usually classified as primary (idiopathic, hereditary) and secondary (acquired).

Most common idiopathic causes of primary chorea are Huntington’s disease, benign hereditary chore and neuroacanthocytosis.

Secondary causes are infection; immune related such as Sydenham’s chorea and systemic lupus erythematous, vascular lesions, metabolic disorders and drug induced chorea.
Huntington’s disease is a progressive autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder charactised by motor, behavioural, occulomotor and cognitive dysfunction.

Early signs and symptoms of the disease are general restlessness, sleep disturbances, behavioural changes, anxiety and depression.

Motor signs include involuntary movements, typical facial movements and posture with raised eyebrows and astonished look.

Bradykinesia and rigidity are frequent in late stages of disease or in juvenile cases where chorea can be absent.

Chorea gets worse and impairs gait balance and voluntary movements, short term memory loss occurs initially later leading to long term memory loss hampers daily functioning.

Syndenham's chorea is a childhood neurological disorder caused by group A beta haemolytic streptococcus.

The cause of Sydenham's chorea is rheumatic fever, genetic disorder, immune disorders, AIDS, neurolytics, levodopa.

Symptoms include teeth grinding, involuntary blenching, lip and tongue biting, difficulty with speech, involuntary speaking or slurred speech.
Involuntary movements:
1. Mild maids grip- while shaking hands, one may hold and release fingers.
2. Jack in the box tongue-when one sticks out there tongue, it may slide in and out of your mouth.
3. Speech problems.
4. Headache and seizures.
Blood tests

Thyroid levels- for the endocrine and metabolic abnormalities

MRI/CT to look for changes in brain

Genetic testing- for diagnostic Huntington’s disease.
Medications for Huntington’s:

1. Antipsychotics

2. Benzodiazepines

3. Anti convulsants

Medication for Sydenham’s: antibiotics

Surgeries- Deep Brain Stimulation.

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